Martell Forestry, Inc. is a full-service forestry consulting firm located in Gaylord, Michigan. Our nationally certified and state-registered professional foresters provide a range of services to landowners in the northern Lower Peninsula and eastern Upper Peninsula.

Keith R. Martell Jr., CF, RF, ACF
MS in Forestry, Michigan State University, 1971
ACF Member, Certified Forester, Registered Forester, USDA-NRCS Technical Service Provider, Michigan Real Estate license, Michigan license pesticide applicator, DNR Forest Stewardship plan writer, Tree Farm Inspector
Owner and President of Martell Forestry Inc., a private forestry consulting business (14 years)
Michigan Tech. University – Contractor and field surveyor for MTU Emerald Ash Borer Detection Project, part-time (5+ years)
State Forester Michigan, USDA – NRCS (10 years)
State Resource Conservationist, USDA – NRCS (1 year)
Area (Supervisory) Conservationist, USDA – NRCS (15 years)
Project Coordinator, USDA – NRCS (3 years)
District Conservationist, USDA – NRCS (4 years)
Soil Conservationist, USDA – NRCS (1 year)
Forestry Technician, USDA Forest Service (2 seasons)
Board Member, Headwaters Land Conservancy
Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year, Otsego County Conservation District (2000)
Michigan Tree Farm Inspector of the Year (2012)
North Central Regional Tree Farm Inspector of the Year Award (2014)
Keith R. (Boots) Martell III, CF, RF
BS in Biology, Northern Michigan University
MF in Forestry, Michigan Technological University
Certified Forester, Registered Forester
Forester, Martell Forestry (2 years)
Chair, Michigan Tree Farm Committee (2 years, 2014-2015)
Board Member, Otsego-Roscommon-Crawford Conservation District